Privacy Policy

"Artics (hereinafter referred to as 'the Company'), in its commitment to safeguarding the privacy and personal information of its users, hereby establishes this Privacy Policy ('the Policy') to govern the treatment of user's personal information in the services provided on this website ('the Service').

Article 1 (Definition of Personal Information)

The Company may, in the process of user registration, request personal information such as names, dates of birth, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, bank account numbers, credit card numbers, driver's license numbers, and other relevant information. Additionally, the Company may collect information related to user transactions, including personal information, from transaction records and financial data in collaborations with business partners, which include but are not limited to information providers, advertisers, and ad distribution partners (collectively referred to as 'business partners').

Article 2 (Methods of Collecting Personal Information)

The Company may, in the process of user registration, request personal information such as names, dates of birth, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, bank account numbers, credit card numbers, driver's license numbers, and other relevant information. Additionally, the Company may collect information related to user transactions, including personal information, from transaction records and financial data in collaborations with business partners, which include but are not limited to information providers, advertisers, and ad distribution partners (collectively referred to as 'business partners').

Article 3 (Purposes of Collecting and Using Personal Information)

The Company collects and utilizes personal information for the following purposes:

  1. To provide and manage the Company's services.
  2. To respond to user inquiries, including identity verification.
  3. To send emails regarding new features, updates, promotions, and notifications related to the services and other services offered by the Company.
  4. For maintenance and essential communications.
  5. To identify and refuse users violating the terms of use or attempting to misuse the service for fraudulent or improper purposes.
  6. To enable users to access, modify, delete, and view the status of their registered information.
  7. To bill users for paid services.
  8. For purposes ancillary to the above.

Article 4 (Changes to the Purpose of Use)

The Company reserves the right to modify the purpose of using personal information to a reasonable extent when such modification is deemed relevant to the original purpose. In the event of a change, the Company will notify users of the amended purpose through its designated methods or post it on this website.

Article 5 (Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties)

The Company shall not provide personal information to third parties without prior user consent, except under specific circumstances and unless required by law:

  1. When necessary to protect a person's life, body, property, or other rights, and obtaining consent is impractical.
  2. When essential for public health or the promotion of children's healthy development, and obtaining consent is impractical.
  3. When cooperation with national or local government institutions, or their authorized representatives, is required to fulfill legal obligations and obtaining consent may hinder the execution of these obligations.
  4. Furthermore, when providing personal information to third parties, the Company will notify users in advance of the purpose of use, the items of data shared, the means or methods of provision, procedures to cease provision upon user request, and methods for users to make such requests. However, this shall not apply when the following conditions are met:
    The Company entrusts all or part of personal information handling within the scope necessary to achieve the original purpose.
  5. Personal information is provided as a result of a merger or other similar events.
  6. In cases where the Company has taken measures to ensure personal information is not used for purposes other than the original purpose and where user consent has been obtained.

Article 6 (Disclosure of Personal Information)

Upon user request for personal information disclosure, the Company will promptly fulfill such requests. However, the Company may refrain from disclosure in part or in full under certain circumstances, which will be communicated to the user without delay. Please note that a handling fee of 1,000 yen per request for personal information disclosure applies.

  1. When there is a risk of endangering the life, body, property, or other rights or interests of the user or a third party.
  2. When disclosure is likely to severely hinder the proper implementation of the Company's business.
  3. When disclosure would contravene laws and regulations.

Additionally, personal information other than Personal Identifiable Information, such as browsing history and characteristic information, will generally not be disclosed.

Article 7 (Correction and Deletion of Personal Information)

Users have the right to request the correction, addition, or deletion ('Correction, etc.') of their personal information held by the Company if it is found to be inaccurate. The Company, upon determining the necessity of responding to such a request, will promptly carry out the Correction, etc. The Company will also notify the user without delay in cases of any changes or decisions not to perform the Correction, etc.

Article 8 (Suspension of Use, etc., of Personal Information)

Upon user request for the suspension of the use, etc., of their personal information, citing reasons such as handling beyond the purpose of use or acquisition by fraudulent means, the Company will conduct necessary investigations promptly. If the Company deems it necessary to respond to such requests based on the investigation results, the Company will expeditiously suspend the use, etc. The Company will also notify the user without delay in cases of any changes or decisions not to suspend the use, etc.
Nonetheless, even in circumstances outlined in the previous two paragraphs, the Company may resort to alternative measures when suspension of use, etc., would incur significant costs or prove impractical, provided such measures are deemed essential to safeguard user rights and interests.

Article 9 (Amendments to the Privacy Policy)

The Company reserves the right to change the contents of this Policy without notifying the user, except as stipulated by law or otherwise specified within this Policy. Unless otherwise indicated by the Company, any changes to the Privacy Policy will take effect from the time it is posted on this website.

Article 10 (Contact Information)

For inquiries regarding this Policy, please contact the following:

Name of Representative: Arata Nakatsuji
Department: Customer Support
